
乔治·托马斯·“米奇”·利兰 是美国和全世界饥饿人口最有效的代言人吗. 在国会的六届任期中, 当了六年的德州议员, 民主党全国委员会官员, 他把非常需要的注意力集中在卫生和饥饿问题上,并争取支持,导致公共和私人行动. 利兰将魅力领袖的技巧与老练的幕后国会议员的力量结合起来. 在国会任职的这些年里,他逐渐成熟起来,成为一个非常有效和有影响力的倡导者,为每个人争取食品安全和医疗保健权利. When 米奇利兰 died in 1989, he was Chairman of the House Select Committee on Hunger. 他的委员会研究了与国内和国际饥饿有关的问题,然后提出了切实可行的粮食解决方案.

早期生活与教育 乔治·托马斯·“米奇”·利兰, 3, 是11月27日出生的吗, 1944, 在卢博克市, 德州, 爱丽丝和乔治·托马斯·利兰, II. 很小的时候, he, along with his mother and brother (William Gaston Leland), 住在休斯顿第五区, 德州. Growing up in a predominately African American and Hispanic neighborhood, Leland’s first experience with the “public” was in a segregated public school. 然而,作为一名学生,利兰表现出了早期的希望. 1964年,他从休斯顿的菲利斯·惠特利高中毕业,在班上名列前10%, 德州. While attending TSU (德克萨斯南方大学) in the late sixties, 利兰成为当地民权运动的直言不讳的领袖,并将民权运动的全国领袖带到休斯顿. 他于1970年毕业于德克萨斯南方大学药学院,获得药学学士学位. He served as an Instructor of Clinical Pharmacy at his alma mater from 1970-71, 并在低收入社区开展“挨家挨户”的宣传活动,告知人们他们的医疗保健选择,并进行初步筛查. 在同一时期,米奇·利兰组织并领导了黑人公民行动小组(“黑猫”),抗议警察的暴行. 在伦纳德·奥巴马总统执政期间. Spearman, Leland received an honorary doctorate degree from 德克萨斯南方大学. He married the former Alison Clark Walton, a Georgetown University law student, in 1983. 利兰议员是三个孩子的父亲, 贾勒特·大卫(2月6日出生), 1986)和双胞胎, 奥斯汀·米奇和卡梅隆·乔治(1月14日出生), 1990, 利兰死后).


In 1972, 米奇利兰 was elected to the 德州 House of Representatives from the 88th District of Houston, 德州. 1978年之前,他一直在德克萨斯州立法机构任职. In Austin, Leland became famous as the champion of health care rights for the poor. 利兰主要负责立法的通过,为低收入消费者提供负担得起的仿制药. 他还支持通过健康维护组织(HMO’s)建立医疗保健服务渠道。. 来完成他在奥斯汀的目标, 他曾在德克萨斯州劳工委员会任职, 国务委员会, 人力资源委员会, 立法会, and Subcommittee on Occupational and Industrial 安全. Leland was also elected Vice Chairman of the Joint Committee on Prison Reform. 作为众议院拨款委员会的成员,他是第一位在参众两院会议委员会任职的非裔美国议员. 利兰议员于1978年11月从休斯顿第18国会选区当选为美国众议院议员, 德州. His Congressional district included the neighborhood where he had grown up, and he was recognized as a knowledgeable advocate for health, 儿童和老人. His leadership abilities were quickly noted in Washington, and he was chosen Freshman Majority Whip in his first term, 后来两次担任多数党党鞭. Leland was re-elected to each succeeding Congress until his death in August 1989. 他参观了施粥所和临时避难所, he became increasingly concerned about the hungry and homeless. The work for which he is best remembered began when Leland co-authored legislation with Rep. Ben Gilman (R-NY) to establish the House Select Committee on Hunger. 演讲者托马斯·P. “Tip” O’Neil named Leland chairman when it was enacted in 1984. The Select Committee’s mandate was to “conduct a continuing, comprehensive study and review of the problems of hunger and malnutrition.”

虽然它没有立法权, 该委员会, 第一次, 为与饥饿有关的问题提供了一个单一的焦点. 委员会的影响和影响力主要来自利兰议员唤起人们对复杂的减轻饥饿问题的认识,并发挥他个人的道德领导力的能力. In addition to focusing attention on issues of hunger, his legislative initiatives would create the National Commission on Infant Mortality, 为高危妇女提供更好的新鲜食物, 儿童及婴儿, and the first comprehensive services for the homeless. 利兰对贫困和饥饿人群迫切需求的敏感,很快使他成为更广泛范围内饥饿人群的代言人. 有关撒哈拉以南非洲地区出现严重饥荒的报道促使议长奥尼尔要求利兰率领一个两党国会代表团对情况和救援需求进行评估. 当利兰回来时, 他把娱乐圈的名人聚集在一起, 宗教领袖和私人志愿机构为1985年的《网投比较靠谱的大平台》争取公众支持. That legislation provided $800 million in food and 人道主义 relief supplies. 利兰对饥荒的国际关注为非政府组织的努力带来了额外的支持, 挽救成千上万的生命. 利兰有能力以创新的想法与他人接触,并从不太可能的来源获得支持,这是他成功地有效解决穷人和少数民族问题的关键. 他会见了教皇约翰·保罗二世,讨论了对非洲的粮食援助,并会见了菲德尔·卡斯特罗,讨论了古巴家庭团聚的问题. 作为后冷战时期第一个由众议院议长派遣的国会代表团的一员,他来到莫斯科, 他建议美国和美国联合采取行动.S. -苏联对莫桑比克的粮食倡议. 作为黑人党团会议主席, Leland proudly presented the first awards the Caucus had ever given to a non-black, 摇滚音乐家鲍勃·盖尔多夫和新闻记者泰德·科佩尔. 盖尔多夫因他的乐队援助音乐会和为非洲饥荒灾民筹款的努力而获奖,科佩尔因他关于非洲饥荒的新闻报道而获奖.

米奇利兰 was a powerful advocate on other causes as well. 在担任众议院饥饿问题特别委员会主席期间, Leland was a member of the Committee on Energy and Commerce, and the Subcommittees on Telecommunications and 金融, 健康与环境, 能源与电力. 他曾担任邮政业务及服务小组委员会主席,并曾在邮政局及公务员事务委员会和薪酬及就业小组委员会任职.



米基·利兰是负责任和现实的广播电视和有线电视节目的有力推动者. 通过广泛宣传的国会听证会,他唤起了全国的良知,减少了儿童电视节目中的暴力. And he advocated ethnic diversity through Affirmative Action in broadcast employment, 无论是在镜头前还是镜头外, 和所有权. 特别是, 他努力确保媒体中的所有角色都避免种族刻板印象,并公平地描绘构成美国公众的丰富多样性. When the federal government began to privatize federal assets, 例如Conrail, 米基•利兰(米奇利兰)成功地加入了立法语言,要求少数投资银行家参与谈判. 米奇利兰’s sincere concern for ethnic equality earned him a leadership position in politics. 在1985 - 86, 利兰议员曾担任第99届国会黑人核心小组(CBC)主席. CBC成立于1971年,当时只有13名成员. 到1987年,CBC已经发展到23个成员. Leland was also a member of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) from 1976-85. He served as Chairman of the DNC’s Black Caucus from 1981-1985, 在这种情况下, 他曾在民主党全国委员会执行委员会任职.

在1988年竞选连任时, 报道援引利兰议员的话说, “这是我在国会的第10年, 我想回去.他进一步说道, “我的影响力越大, 我就越能帮助第十八区的人民, 还有全国各地的人.” Leland was becoming increasingly successful in international human rights and world hunger issues. He fought against the injustice of South African Apartheid, 并成功领导了对南非航空公司的抵制,并在国会推翻里根总统对南非经济制裁的否决权方面发挥了重要作用. He worked endlessly to solve the problems of domestic and international hunger and malnutrition. 米奇利兰 fought hard to prevent food aid from being used as a political tool. 他主张与各国政府进行沟通, 即使是那些敌人, in order to further 人道主义 goals and supported the right of U.S. citizens to provide 人道主义 assistance to civilians of any nation. His successful initiatives expanded funding of primary health care in developing countries, including UNICEF’s child survival activities and Vitamin A programs supported by the U.S. 国际开发署(USAID). 在利兰的庇护下, 特别委员会再次强调,在美国的对外援助计划中,消除饥饿和减轻贫困是优先事项. 该委员会成功地推动扩大对低收入国家最贫困个人的信贷,并利用捐赠的美国国债的销售收益.S. commodities for health, education and other grass-roots development activities. 米奇利兰 died as he had lived, on a mission seeking to help those most in need. 在1989年领导另一个救援任务时, 去一个孤立的难民营, Fugnido, 在埃塞俄比亚, which sheltered thousands of unaccompanied children fleeing the civil conflict in neighboring Sudan, Leland’s plane crashed into a mountainside 在埃塞俄比亚. 飞机坠毁造成机上所有人死亡, 包括国会议员, 他的幕僚长帕特里斯·约翰逊, 还有其他13名来自政府部门的乘客, 人道主义, 开发组织.

Biography provided by the 米奇利兰 Center on World Hunger & 和平 德克萨斯南方大学 .

“I am now an activist on behalf of humanity everywhere…. 那是我的社区……”

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